Lists of works, contributions, and articles by Cornelio Fabro
The first bibliography was prepared by Fabro himself and presented for his Professorship exam in 1948.
A second bibliography was published in Cornelio Fabro's Esegesi Tomistica, Rome 1969, pp. XIII-XXX.
Sr. Rosa Goglia then worked to update the subsequent bibliographies.
An updated bibliography was published in 1977 in Andrea Dalledonne's Cenni sul pensiero e sull'opera di P. Cornelio Fabro, La Panarie, Udine.
In 1984, Danilo Castellano published a further updated bibliography in his volume La libertà soggettiva. Cornelio Fabro oltre moderno e antimoderno, Scientifiche italiane, Napoli 1984, pp. 140-181. This bibliography was republished in Essere e libertà, Maggioli, Rimini 1984, pp. 547-586, a volume published on the occasion of Fabro's retirement from the University of Perugia.
In 1991, the volume Veritatem in caritate, Studi in onore di Cornelio Fabro in occasione dell'LXXX genetliaco, a cura di G.M. Pizzuti, Ermes, Potenza 1991 was offered in homage to Fabro; this works contains a bibliography from 1984-1991 (pp. 23-31).
The last and currently most complete bibliography was published by Rosa Goglia in La novità metafisica in Cornelio Fabro, Marsilio Venezia 2004, pp. 123-193. She worked for many years to reconstruct this bibliography and believes that it includes at least 85% of the titles of Fabro's vast production. The task of collecting Fabro's many works proceeds slowly because the annals of some journals are not readily available; many book reviews are also lacking.